Friday, November 21, 2008

Our Thanksgiving Feast

Oh we are all stuffed to the gills! We had our Thanksgiving feast today for my daycare kids. 9 children, 1 adult, 2 pots of coffee, and lots of yummy food! We sang the song the kids have been working on all month with their Wampanoag names they were all given and they FINALLY got to wear the head dresses and vest the have been working on every Friday for the past month. It was adorable and over too quickly. We are all very full and sadly I am the only one in a turkey daze and wanting to go to sleep! If only I could have the energy of 1 of these kids.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

About Cole Matthew- Riley

Cole was born February 27, 2007 in Ranson WV. He is our little fireball! You would have never guessed it the first 8 months of his life, we hardly heard a peep from him. He was so quiet and sleepy all the time. Now, he talks all the time, runs around like a crazy man, and has a hot little temper on him. Ah, how times have changed! Cole loves trucks and trains. He likes to play outside and loves dogs! He has just started to get interested in television and loves the movie Balto. All day, I hear "Mommy, Balto, ON!". Cole loves little babies and loves his big sister when she is not trying to annoy him. He gives the best hugs and kisses ever! We are slowly introducing him to the idea of leaving his beloved crib and moving on to his "big boy bed". He hates this idea and ran over and kicked his new bed when he saw it. Then ran over to his crib and wanted back in. Cole does not adapt well to change, clearly! Hopefully we can start working on potty training before too long, however I feel this will be quite the headache!

About Kaylynn Emma

PS. Cole's pictures saved in Kaylynn's Blog and Kaylynn's pictures saved in Cole's blog. Sorry, still trying to figure out this blogger thing!

Kaylynn was born April 20, 2004 in Oceanside California. She currently goes to the Shenandoah School in Shepherdstown WV. She is greatly looking forward to starting kindergarten next year, much to my dismay. Kaylynn loves to play with her American Girl bitty twins and bitty baby and is a very loving mommy to her babies. She told me the other day that when she grows up she wants to be 3 things, not just 1. She would like to be a mommy, a teacher, and an artist. I think she will be great at all 3! Kaylynn loves to paint and have done some pretty wonderful pieces. She loves to play with her friends, especially Abbey, her best friend. Kaylynn plays spring T Ball and will be starting cheerleading next fall. We may also try to get her into soccer as well. Kaylynn's favorite food is Mac and Cheese, I think she would eat it for breakfast if I would let her. Kaylynn is very loving and is everyone's friend. She can be a bit dramatic (no idea where she got that! ;) She is our little Princess!